Covid Safe Magic

Holiday parks, theatres and entertainment venues have started to reopen, outdoor shows are now allowed, [...]

Five Fave Magic Movies

Lockdown restrictions are starting to be lifted but a lot of us are still stuck [...]

How To Book An Online Magic Show

If evolution has taught us one thing it’s that those who fail to adapt end [...]

What Is An Online Magic Show?

The world has completely changed over the past few weeks and we’re all spending a [...]

My Five Best ‘Dangerous’ Tricks

At the beginning of my cabaret show I always announce, “I do two things: magic…. [...]

Do You Believe In Magic?

I’ve always assumed that my audiences don’t believe in magic and think that what I [...]

What Can Magicians Learn from Musicals?

My wife is a big fan of musicals so over the last few years I’ve [...]

Five Questions To Ask Before You Book Entertainment

Booking entertainment isn’t something the average person does on a regular basis so here’s a [...]

Coming in 2020

I know we’re more than a week into 2020 but Happy New Year (better late [...]

Six Christmas Party Planning Tips

If you are organising a Christmas party whether it’s a private function or a work [...]