Give your friends an experience they will NEVER forget by having a party magician at your party.

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Close-Up Magic

Close-up magic can be performed either mingling between your guests or while they are sat at tables. Scoop will amaze with his skill and dexterity and amuse with his wit and humour. He has entertained at parties for sports stars and celebrities as well as Joe Bloggs from up the road. He has wowed parents and grandparents as well as kids and grandkids. He has performed in castles and mansions as well as modest flats and houses. In short, whatever you’ve got planned Scoop has the tricks up his sleeve to ensure you and your guests are thoroughly entertained.

Stage Show

Scoop’s stage show is a mix of magic and mirth with mind control and mortal danger thrown in for good measure! A performance area is required but unlike the shows you’ve seen on television there are no trapdoors, mirrors or wires used; this is pure showmanship and skill that has to be seen to be believed.

Parlour Show

You may not have heard of parlour magic, it’s a cross between between close-up magic and a stage show. It is a 45 minute performance which uses smaller props so that it can be performed in more intimate venues but the props are the only thing that are smaller, the wow factor and the laughs are still huge!

It can also be split into three 15 minute acts so that it can be performed between courses at a meal, either at the table or in a designated performance space. This is ideal for a smaller party of about 20 people.